2020 – 2022 Were some of the most challenging and emotional times we have ever experienced individually and collectively, yet they were also times of reflection, grief, self-realisation, and good times.

From an individual perspective of someone who is highly intuitive, it was August 2019 I had a knowing that something major was about to unfold around March 2020 and what we know as, Spring Equinox.

In August 2019, I began to store food away but not knowing the exact reason as to why! I also had a new Phoenix tattoo imprinted on my left wrist in December 2019 as a reminder of the hardship I had experienced from narcissistic abuse, how far I had come from 2017, a symbol of hope, strength and resilience to carry me through and what turned into the logo of my Transitional Coaching business.

Shame I never got the memo about the toilet paper!

The first three weeks when lockdowns were introduced were so odd and as we began the journey of unknown, I felt like I was floating outside of my body and what I know as a coach as a sign that my body was experiencing trauma.

Although, back in July 2019, I was guided to book a two night stay in Glastonbury by my Universal Support Team of Guides, or what most people understand as, spirit guides, for March 2019 and it was a god send to have two days of peace to myself before the lockdowns that came into place the following week.

From a higher perspective, Covid was a catalyst event of what many know as a rapid time of spiritual awakening and the beginning of a “quantum age” where people began to question their lives and open up to the self-realisation of things such as synchronicities and a change of mindset.

It was this time that I became an author and released two books around my life experiences from a different perspective and wanted to share what I had learnt to help others through, Spirology – Reflection Of Self and Spirology – A Hero’s Journey.  This was the beginning of learning how to consciously manifest and navigate the unknown with my Universal Support Team of Guides and later became the Master Miracle Manifester®️ course of which I am currently evolving to teach others how to navigate their lives and manifest their own life with Universal Numbers, a quantum version of Angel Numbers.

I also chose not to get vaccinated and I as anyone who is Autistic level 1 (Asperges) or and ADHD, you’ll know we have a love for research and what I found out pointed to the fact that the jab was not for me.

I’m trained in NLP and could see how the language being used in the media was hitting people to feel guilty, fear the consequences of not being able to fly and more like a marketing pitch than anything else. It also greatly annoyed me at the time the tactics used to coerce people into having the jab as I knew to well the techniques are the same used by narcissists but was being directed at the mass public.

For me, this also triggered old wounds and caused C-PTSD (complex trauma) to surface. Lucky for me, I recognised the sequences of re-surfacing in the now and so used the knowledge  I knew around trauma and often visited my coach to deal with them.

The amount of abuse I received for my personal choice to not get vaccinated was insane! But, at the time, I wanted to understand how other people felt and began to ask questions to understand people’s reactions more. I find human behaviour fascinating and it’s mad what happens when people are pushed into fear and survival.

As a mum and coach, I did the utmost best to keep us as well as possible through these times to the best of my ability and it was tough some days.

2022, I burnt out from keeping all the plates spinning and the physical symptoms were awful! I couldn’t even watch t.v. as my eyes were sensitive to screens.

Fast forward to 2024 and finding out that part of the reason behind this was due to being autistic and get fixated on projects I love and at the time, I never took breaks in between work and writing two books and was in full yolo mode.

Fast forward to now, 2025 and the realisation that it had taken me three years to rebuild myself and bring back in the normal habits that we had in 2019 that many may not have even realised had gone out, but also the realisation that some habits and things will never be the same.

Although challenging it has been, the journey brought much growth, self-discovery and development, new knowledge, skills, a new perspective that helps to adapt and navigate adversity with resilience.

We are currently at the peak of solar cycle 22 which began in 2020 (how uncanny) and ends 2030. These cycles are known to bring more solar x-class flares and more geomagnetic activity.

What does this mean? It means that we will become more aware of truths as they surface on an individual and collective level. It also impacts humans AND earth and if you do a little research of your own, you’ll realise that one of these solar cycles occurred during the times of WWl and WWll. Although it may appear chaotic right now, I don’t believe we’re heading for another.

2025-2030 will see many catalytic events that will shift humanity and earth. It will also exaggerate polarities as we move towards the quantum unification timeline. A time where people will bring back communities and help one another. As the saying goes, slow and steady wins the race so keep a steady pace.

Even though times seem challenging right now and perhaps for the next five years as humanity goes through a transition period, so to dies it bring new opportunities, new beginnings and new innovations as we change and evolve.

REMEMBER… 2525 – Everything happens for a reason and life happens FOR YOU! It truly does and when you begin to realise this and open up your heart and that is does… that’s when you’ll step into a Master Creator Mindset.

You can find the Spirology books that can act as self-educational tools to navigate you through your own life on the link below;

And if you’re looking for someone to navigate you personally in a private coaching session, get in touch via the contact page link below;

Amanda Bowden Transitional Coach ©️