Private 1:1 coaching sessions are specifically tailored to your needs and what works for you following our discussion as everyone is unique.
It maybe that a one off coaching session is all that is needed or it maybe that you are looking to develop yourself and business further to discover more about yourself as you evolve through your transition to manifest the life you want.
Products and services range from £8.88 – £333.
Discover what’s holding you back and blocking you from moving forwards, what’s holding you back from showing up in the world as your authentic self, the REAL YOU to be confident enough to manifest the life you want with clarity, certainty and reignite the flame within to feel and be happy.
Master Miracle Manifester
Universal Numbers are the back bone of Master Miracle Manifester® Quantum Manifestation Unleashed, quantum navigation for complete piece of mind to be your authentic, happy and succesful self. Modeled on angel numbers to be used for your highest intention to;
- Connect with your Universal Team (guides)
- Navigate you on your life’s path
- Manifest positive abundance in all areas of your life
- Break patterns of dysfunctional thoughts
- Help you to make decisions, bring clarity, complete peace of mind, and visual validation
- Works well with Timeline Therapy integration changes
- Helps to create positive change and builds confidence to move forwards
If YOU can imagine it… set the intention and take the actions as guided… ANYTHING is possible with Universal Numbers!
Believe Allow Achieve Recieve
Can either be done as a private one to one master coaching session face 2 face or via an online zoom call or in a group of up to 10 people online or face 2 face (dates for upcoming group teaching will soon be avaiable).
Allow around 1hr on average for a one to one master coaching class £69.
Master Miracle Manifester®️ – Quantum Manisfestation Unleashed group zoom calls and face to face up to 10 people max so I have time help everyone
Want to know more? Get in touch to book on via the contact form on the contact page or email: amandabowden222@gmail.com
Phone or txt : 07921845961 (also on whatsapp)
*Universal Numbers are featured in my books Spirology – Reflection Of Self and Spirology – A Hero’s Journey and the up coming Spirology – Manifest28 available on Amazon in print and kindle from £8.88
Signed copies can be done on request of books or at in person events.
Oracle Card Coaching
Oracle Card Coaching is a great for you if you’re someone who is practical, visual, looking for a unique coaching session experience and ready to take responsibility for your own life’s path and have the courage to make changes or have already.
I may use up to 4 sets of Oracle cards to help you as a visual aid, prompt, and guidance to move you forward on your life’s path to bring clarity and peace of mind.
Oracle Card Coaching also gives you and me a chance to see if we are well suited to work together.
Oracle Card Coaching may also help build your own confidence around your own set of cards as it gives you the time to speak your thoughts and what the card spread represents to you in your perspective.
Oracle Card Coaching sessions can be done face 2 face or on zoom, please allow around 60 minutes for this session £60
Oracle Card Reading
- Doreen Virtues Angel Oracles
- Kyle Grey’s Angel and Ancestors Oracle Cards
- Rebecca Campbell’s Work Your Light Oracle Cards
- Rebecca Campbell’s The Star Seed Oracle
So, if you’re ready to explore the mysteries of the universe and gain clarity on your life’s journey… book your card reading with me today and let’s embark on a journey of self-discovery and open a door way to future possibilities.
Hypnotherapy session
Hypnosis can be used to help aid solutions to problems.
Hypnosis is used to aid a relaxing state of mind and body allowing changes in all areas of life to be made at a subconscious level and can help to;
- Reduce stress levels
- Reduce anxiety
- Aid weight loss
- Build confidence
- Build self esteem
- Motivation
- let go of negative emotions stored in the body
- Help create manifest abundance
- Let go of blocks that are holding you back
- Connecting to your higher self
- Past life regression
Perfect to take some well deserved time out for your self either in person or on zoom. A session is £60
Eliminating Phobias
What would it be like if you could get rid of that phobia that has been holding you back?
I will work with you to aid and eliminate your phobia using a number of techniques that work for you.
Imagine having the freedom back around the phobia that has been holding you back what ever it maybe for you.
Can be done face 2 face or on zoom, please allow 2hrs a session £150
Breakthrough Session
If you’re looking for a breakthrough and want to let got of what we call ‘The BIG 5’ negative emotions known as;
- Anger
- Sadness
- Fear
- Hurt
- Guilt
that can store in the body over time as excess baggage as we walk our life’s path.
Timeline Therapy is content free, promotes peace of mind, helps to let go of repressed negative emotions, brings focus and clarity for better decisions and a fresh perspective.
Timeline Therapy is done face 2 face and generally takes 3-4 hours depending on the individual £333
1:1 NLP Coaching session
A 121 coaching session is perfect for you if you are wanting to personally develop yourself and is solution focused.
It maybe that you are looking to remove blocks that are holding you back from being your authentic self, the REALyou. Something that is holding you back from manifesting abundance and or creating the life you want with confidence, passion and purpose.
You can do this session either face to face or on zoom, allow around 1 hr £89
Talking Therapy
Talking therapy gives you the opportunity for me to listen to you and for you to be heard.
Sometimes speaking to someone outside of your own emotions can give a different perspective.
I also have a unique understanding of the spiritual path and the science, pyschology and mind body connections from past experience, knowledge gained and tools learnt along my life’s path.
Around a 1 hr space for you to air your thoughts, feelings and someone to listen with no judgement.
There is no promise of solutions, just a space for you either on zoom or face 2 face😊 £60
1:1 mBIT Coaching
What is mBIT and how can an mBIT coaching session help you?
mBIT Originated from Grant Soosalu and Marvin Oka authors of mBraining – multiple Braining, based on years of NLP behavioural modelling and created a powerful coaching model now known as mBIT.
mBIT integrates changes easilly and effortlessly and can be a much more relaxing way to find out where you are currently, where you want to be or what outcome and helps to uncover what is holding you or blocking you from being where and who you want to be.
mBIT as suggested above works with our multiple brains, the heart, head and gut and opens up the neural pathways so they can communicate to one another.
mBIT coaching sessions start with balanced breathing which allows the autonomic nervous system to come into alignment and coherent state of heart, mind and gut.
mBIT complements manifesting amazingly well!
Want to know more or and book in for a 1:1 mBIT coaching session and find out what’s holding and blocking you from being where and who you want to be?
Get in touch now and take that courageous first step to creating long lasting change in your life today!
*Allow around an hour for a 1:1 mBIT coaching session. Can be done either on zoom or face 2 face £89
Coaching Options