Below you can find the latest blogs

Cycle Breakers

Cycle Breakers

What is a Cycle Breaker? A cycle breaker is the one person who consciously chooses to make a decision to break free from the dysfunctional family dynamics they were brought up in. The person in the family who wants to consciously evolve towards a more positive way of...

Master Miracle Manifester®

Master Miracle Manifester®

If you’ve been seeing repeated numbers such as 1111… 333… 444 and you’re curious to know what they mean OR already know what they are and want to develop yourself further… Master Miracle Manifester is for you! Master Miracle Manifester is not for you if you’re not...

What is NLP?

What is NLP?

What does NLP stand for?  Neuro Linguistic Programming. Put simply it means; Neuro – your mindset and neuro pathways, internal communication. Linguistic – Language, how you communicate non-verbally in which our brains process through, pictures, sounds, feelings,...

What is manifesting?

What is manifesting?

In my model of the world, manifesting simply means, creating and drawing in exactly what it is you want and desire in your life whilst taking incremental steps of action along with the intention to manifest something into your life with help from your Universal Team....



Spirology© Spirology, a term I coined that brings together psychology, mind-body and soul connections, science, emotional intelligence, universe connections, physical and metaphysical, coming together with a spiritual way of life that brings the creative mind and...

Are you an empath?

Are you an empath?

You may have heard of the term EMPATH being thrown around many times or may not have.  I’m guessing you have if you are reading this blog, but I’ll explain in my own words as best I can for those who may not know. An empath is someone who feels emotions deeply,...