Transitional Coaching

Transitional Coaching

What is a Transitional Coach? A transitional coach is exactly what it says… a coach who helps you navigate through transitions which are basically significant life changes that people on a personal and business level go through and to make it a smoother process. My...
Time Line Therapy™️

Time Line Therapy™️

Time Line Therapy™️ (TLT) is one of my favourite techniques that I have in my coaching tool kit. The reason I say this is because I’ve experienced it first hand AND it’s had some of the most significant effects within my and clients lives and moving...


Spirology, a concept that has evolved and what was once the original name for Universal Numbers has become a concept over a time span of 6 years and counting. Whilst writing Spirology – Reflection Of Self, which began around 2018 and took 4 years from pen to paper, so...
Cycle Breakers

Cycle Breakers

What is a Cycle Breaker? A cycle breaker is the one person who consciously chooses to make a decision to break free from the dysfunctional family dynamics they were brought up in. The person in the family who wants to consciously evolve towards a more positive way of...