Spirology, a concept that has evolved and what was once the original name for Universal Numbers has become a concept over a time span of 6 years and counting.
Whilst writing Spirology – Reflection Of Self, which began around 2018 and took 4 years from pen to paper, so to speak to create.
Carrying on my journey of re-discovering myself and who I truly am into Spirology – A Hero’s Journey, a stepping stone into the becoming and ever unfolding journey of a Master Creator and Co-Creator.
Simply meaning going from manifesting and who I am, what I do etc subconsciously into the awareness of manifesting and having a more ascended conscious approach to lifeand who I truly am from a higher perspective. Some may resonate with being your higher self/soul/inner being and the physical human side, as in being neurodiverse, ASD (Aspie), Dyslexic and more than likely ADHD along with a history of C-PTSD.
I like to say that I’m on the ‘White Dove Spectrum’ which I touch on in Spirology – A Hero’s Journey. It’s more of a holistic and higher quantum perspective of looking at some neurodiversity’s and how the brain works.
The Spirology concept runs through the coaching, mentoring and teaching I do as a coach and heart led leader of knowledge and experience with the intention to develop others and myself to focus on strengths, joy and positive change whilst evolving through transition to manifest the life you want. To build on what’s already there and re-discover your current authentic version of you. To let go of what no longer serves you a positive intention, uncover and heal blocks along the way and manifest a happy and successful life by BEing you.
The Spirology concept is a fusion of;
- Mind-Body-Soul connections
- Mental
- Physical
- Emotional
- Spiritual Wellbeing
- Master Miracle Manifester®️ Quantum Manifestation Unleashed
- Conscious Evolution
- Science
- Positive Psychology
- Quantum
- Heart Centred
- Self-education and development
- Solution Focused
- Neuroinclusive
The values that are currently important and centred around Spirology are;:
- Freedom
- Family
- Honesty
- Trust
- Respect
- Compassion
- Connection
- Communication
- Co-operation
- Acceptance
- Integrity
- Nurture and Thrive
- Miracles – Personal Synchronicities
- Happiness
- Joy
- Time
- Fun
Running through your personal/professional and or business life.
If you would like to learn more about how you can work with me as a coach, mentor and teacher, go to the contact page on my website https://amandabowden.co.uk/contact/and drop me a message or to simply book yourself in for a complimentary discovery call.
Amanda Bowden Transitional Coach 2024©️