There are a lot of negative aspects constantly seen around neurodiversity and the deficits that come with them and I know that as we go through the evolving stages of self-discovery around neurodiversity, most neurodivergent’s research the shit out of subjects that are of special interest and importance and will lead to a new and perspective around how we view most neurodiversity’s in the future with most links to mindset.

We often see things from a unique perspective that can bring new insights to share with the world and one another that are not only helpful to those who are neurodiverse, but also neurotypical.

The word “neurodiversity” derived from “neurologically diverse” is widely connected to Judy Singer in 1998 from an honours thesis she wrote on the subject at the time.

In this blog I want to focus on the strengths that neurodivergent people often show and demonstrate in life to highlight the strengths that you the reader may resonate with being neurodiverse or someone you know because, as a coach, one of the most important parts of working with a client is building on the strengths that someone already has to reach their true potential.

Here are some of the strengths within the neurodiversity’s I mostly know about due to being neurodiverse myself…

Being Dyslexic can include strengths such as;

  • Being emotionally intelligent.
  • Big picture thinking along with pattern recognition which can be useful in data analysis and scientific research.
  • Creative and great solution finders.
  • Innovative due to thinking outside the box and why they make great entrepreneurs.
  • Cognitive Cohesion – meaning, being able to take many pieces of a puzzle or information to create a whole picture creatively.
  • Can think multidimensional way to group complex concepts.
  • Generally curious and love learning.
  • Keen observers who notice many details others wouldn’t.

Strengths of being Level One Autistic. Formally known as high functioning or Asperges;

  • Can focus well when doing the things you love passionately.
  • Often referred to as having a scientists brain due to having a love for research and learning something inside out like a special subject that is important to them.
  • Resilient and often overcome challenges with tenacity and determination.
  • Can be an “expert” in a special interest that is important to them.
  • Highly in tune and intuitive with the world around them.
  • Often strive for a high level of independence and high sense of justice (right and wrong).
  • High attention to detail bringing innovative ideas and solutions.
  • Most love routine and structure which can make them punctual.
  • Often use direct communication which leads can lead to honesty, transparency and makes them a reliable person.
  • Logical and analytical brain can be useful for critical thinking.

Here are some strengths around ADHD;

  • Creative innovative “visionaries” who think outside the box.
  • Pre-cognizance – see patterns/visual cues that are unconscious to others for forward thinking for the future.
  • Highly intuitive and listen to the gut as someone who takes action and risks.
  • Highly energetic which can be productive and enthusiastic in some activities.
  • Can hyper focus on something they love and are passionate about, a trait shared with ASD (level 1 autism).
  • Curious and love novel things, learning new things.
  • Can make fab leaders as the bring their energy and expertise through, especially as visionaries.
  • Big picture thinking which can help keep them ahead of the game with a birds eye view.
  • Deeply passionate about their special interests and pursuits if they have them.
  • High achievers who love to constantly evolve.

These are the areas of neurodiversity where my knowledge and interest currently are and what I know so far.  As the saying goes, ‘If you’ve met one neurodivergent… you’ve only met one neurodivergent’, due to the vast spectrum of neurodiversity’s and how they can show up in individuals.

It’s a great place to start as you begin or even add on to what you already know and if you are neurodiverse… I expect you already know most if not all of the strengths mentioned.

Maybe you’re just dipping your toes in and you’re curious for yourself or someone else, which is why, saving the link to this blog can be a helpful reminder for you or someone you know to remember, especially as a visual reminder that there are some pretty damn amazing strengths to being a neurodivergent, even when it doesn’t feel like it sometimes.

One of my missions as a coach and mum is to educate and share what I know so far because, awareness is key to self-empowerment.

If you want to work with me as a coach who can support you from the aspect of being neurodiverse myself, get in touch on the link to the contact page below…

Amanda Bowden Transitional Coach 2025©️