Time Line Therapy™️ (TLT) is one of my favourite techniques that I have in my coaching tool kit. The reason I say this is because I’ve experienced it first hand AND it’s had some of the most significant effects within my and clients lives and moving forwards.

Every Technique I use within my coaching practice, I have trained and experienced first hand before using them with clients because I want to know how it works, feels and what the outcome of the experience is. It’s fascinating to watch and experience to say the least.

Time Line Therapy™️ is well known throughout the coaching and self development industry and is one of THE best ways to have a break through and let go of what maybe holding you back or blocking you from moving forwards.

Time Line Therapy™️ originated in the 1980’s, a super powerful technique created by the late Tad James and was based on 26 years or research, development and training. Tad used two terms, Time Line Therapy™️ and Creating Your Future Techniques®️. I stick with Timeline Therapy™️ as they both mean the same thing but Time Line Therapy™️ describes the technique better and sounds more sleek.

What are the benefits of Time Line Therapy™️?

  • Helps to let go of repressed negative emotions (e-motions, energy in motion) such as emotional baggage in the body known as somatics and mind that can cause stress, anxiety, depression and trauma such as C-PTSD and PTSD.
  • Content free – meaning there is no need to talk about your stuff in detail.
  • Helps to bring clarity around limiting decisions that prevent success in life.
  • Improves circulation of energy – lets go of blocks to allow energy to flow in an upwards spiral.
  • Promotes peace of mind.
  • Can create a more compelling outlook and so much more!

How does Time Line Therapy™️ work?

In short, Time Line Therapy™️ is a technique that takes the positive learnings from past memories unconsciously around the very first event by shifting and letting go of the BIG 5 negative emotions primarily known as ANGER, SADNESS, FEAR, HURT and GUILT.

It’s content free, meaning that clients don’t have to dredge everything back up as it works with the unconscious part of you.

Over time as we go through life we tend to delete, distort, generalise and store our life experiences into memories in our minds and are stored in the body at a deep core cellular level which are known as emotional somatics.

We often build up past experiences that we say, I’ll deal with that another day or we build up a metaphorical bin that over time can weigh us down, become heavy and take it’s tole when the emotions are not dealt with and left to fester, over flow and can cause illness in the mind and body.

Time Line Therapy™️ helps to release the negative energy that may have built up over time and creates new positive behaviours to move forwards to create a more positive desired outcome.

What happens in a Time Line Therapy session?

Time Line Therapy works by integrating and shifting the negative emotions in the mind and body taking the positive learnings from the very first unconscious memory of a past event whilst floating up above your Time Line safely guided by myself in a coaching session whilst in a calm state.

A client will be pre-framed, meaning that everything needed will be explained to a client about the Time Line Therapy™️ technique along with a digital version before this for a client to go over.

When a client is pre-framed and ready to go on their Time Line (usually on the same day or can be done the day before) to have a test run, to then go onto their Time Line.

It can free you from your past and allow you to create your future.

Want to know more? Got to the contact page of my website and get in touch or book on https://amandabowden.co.uk/contact/

Amanda Bowden Transitional Coach © 2024